Friday, May 11, 2012

Being a finisher

The other night I played get-to-know-you Jenga. I didn't know there was such a game until the moment that we were brainstorming questions and writing them on the blank squares. But I have to say, it was actually a very fun way to get to know new friends. Basically whatever question was on the piece that you cautiously, or in my case shakily, pulled out you had to answer it. In the event that it was blank, you had to answer the question the person before you picked. Needless to say it was VERY entertaining, but one question and the short answer that followed has been on my mind this entire week.

The question was "Personality Trait". Meaning what is a personality trait that you look for in your future someone. Everyone who had answered so far gave very impressive answers but the last person to answer said that they want to be with someone who is driven. Who doesn't necessarily have to be good at everything, but is excited and passionate about what they will pursue in life. Then another chimed in and said, "you want a finisher". Immediately my mind thought of Hebrews 12:1-2 (An Orem High Seminary theme scripture actually :) Message within the message - go to seminary okay?) which says,

1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 

2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

I was so into this thought of being a finisher and what it means that I wrote it on my hand in blue sharpie. This turned out to be somewhat of a mistake seeing as on Sunday I went to church with finisher spelled backwards on the side of my face. (If you've ever seen Never Been Kissed it wasn't as bad has having LOSER on my forehead, I was just surprised I didn't catch it!) Anyway I loved the thought of being a finisher and started thinking of ways I could become one. The list all the things I want to 'be a finisher' for began: 

I want to finish my education
I want to finish the 50 projects I've started
I want to finish my Jane Austen novels 
I want to finish a hard week without crying 
I want to finish the day off in prayer 
I want to finish my time as a BYU Cougarette with no regrets 
I want to finish getting ready in the morning, instead of calling it quits early on. most days anyway :)
I want to finish hiking the Y without hating life
I want to finish a whole box of banana creamies by myself
I want to find my man and finish dating! :)
but more than anything I want to finish this life with my heart and my mind fixed on my Savior Jesus Christ who, like the scripture says, is the author and finisher of our faith. Who knows that these things and so many more are the desires of my heart. 

President Monson gave a talk in October 2008's General Conference called, To Learn, to Do, to Be. It was given in the Priesthood session and so a lot of it is directed towards the men of the church but is definitely applicable to women as well. He said that there were three things for us to consider to qualify for the blessings the Lord has in store for us. They are: 

Learn what we should learn, Do what we should do, and Be what we should be. 

He wasn't talking explicitly about being a finisher at all but he mentions Hebrews 12:1-2 to show that the way to live and serve is set before us by our loving Savior. By learning what we should learn, doing it and then becoming the work, we are essentially being finishers. So whether it is being a finisher in something small that may not affect a person but yourself or something huge that will influence your entire future family, finishing what we start and finishing it well is an important characteristic to try and obtain and a big part of God's plan for us. 

So a new personality trait I'm going to try and look for, in myself as well, being a finisher.

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